This is gonna be a rather short post this time. But, I woke up really sad this morning. In fact, I’ve been crying all day and it really sucks. I am dealing with my own personal struggles, on top of everything that a lot of people are going through. Living through a pandemic, being unemployed, slipping into a depression (I use that term loosely), not knowing what is going to happen. The unknown is scary. But what has scared me the most today, this morning when I woke up, is feeling alone. I know that I am not alone. But today, I feel that way. Then I remembered that Robin Williams quote, and I never felt anything so deeply than this in this moment. He said, “I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone.” One of my biggest assets is how much I love to love. I love to make people happy, making people smile. Sadly thats also my greatest flaw. I push my heart aside for the people I love, and that often leaves me in the spot I am right now. So today I urge you, hold the people you love closer. Give them a hug for no reason. Hold your partners hand, or kiss their neck from behind. Tell your family and friends that you love them and you appreciate them, even if they seem like everything is fine and they are great. A big heart gets heavy, and sometimes all it takes is something so small, to take all the weight off.
Till next time,