Happy mother fucking easter everyone. Honestly I’m in a weird mood today. I thought I was the only one, turns out I’m not. 2 of my best friends are feeling it, and another friend who is actually in the same circle is feeling it too! I’m not sure what is going on or in the air, but I’m gonna need it to back the fuck up, real fast! I’ve officially been in quarantine for a month now, and I know thats part of it. I’m sure too, that not being able to celebrate things like normal is effecting me. I’m such a holiday-person. Even small ones. I live for giving my family and friends gifts and love making things extra special, but I feel creatively paralyzed. I’m dying. I know I shouldn’t complain because everyone I love is healthy, but I’m having a moment, so I’m gonna tell you about it. I CAN’T WAIT FOR THIS TO BE OVERRRRRRR!!!!!!! I’m even having a hard time remembering that this is such a magical day about JESUS!!!! And on top of it all….its supposed to be a spring day, bright sunny, with birds chirping, AND ITS FUCKING RAINING!!!!!!!!!!
I just can’t. I love you Jesus! Thank you Lord for sending your only Son to die for OUR sins, including the guy who ate the bat…but I really need this to end soon! PLEASE LORD!!!!!!