Call me old fashioned, but I CANNOT STAAAAAAAAND the amount that kids are on phones and video games now a days. Don’t get me wrong, I am well aware that it is inevitable, and I allow roman to play in moderation, (I myself can’t resist a good fortnite dance) but come the ffffk on parents! If your child doesn’t want to play with other kids, has a hard time socializing, struggles to do things in real life…GET THEM OFF OF THE DEVICES!!!! Video games are NOT life! And while technology is taking over the world, people skills, and physical activity are crucial to kids lives! This is something I will. not. budge. on. There is NOTHING anyone can say or do to change my mind on this. Build legos, ride bikes, put them in a sport or a dance class, piano lessons, theatre. And quite honestly, this is something that I think even adults struggle with (myself included) we get so sucked into social media and looking at what other people are doing and comparing our lives to theirs, wanting what they have, feeling like if we only had that Gucci fanny pack, or if only my body looked like that, that we would be happy. THATS NOT IT!!!!!! Happiness is in the memories we are making with our children, family, and friends. Our whole life is if passing by and we are missing it because our faces are buried into our phones. And even worse…your children are missing life because they simply never look up. Don’t be that parent. Its super not cute.